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Where do I buy Lobster Made Easy?
We want you to get your claws on our whole, in the shell, microwaveable lobster ASAP and we're working on it! Soon, you will be able to pop into Sobeys or have it delivered to your door, but until then, we're whetting your appetite with our Nova Scotia Lobster Rolls, and Snow Crab Rolls, served from our fleet of mobile 'Lobster Shacks'. Check out our Events Calendar and pop by to enjoy a real taste of Nova Scotia!
Where does Lobster Made Easy lobster come from
Lobster Made Easy proudly sources its lobster, and snow crab for our crab rolls, from Victoria Co-operative Fisheries Ltd, in Cape Breton.
Does Lobster Made Easy whole frozen lobster in the shell ‘need’ to be microwaved?
If you want ‘hot’ lobster, like you’ve just steamed it in a pot on your stove – pop it in your microwave for six minutes. BUT if you just want lobster – not hot, or if you don’t have a microwave – no problem. Simply let our previously steamed (cooked) lobster defrost in your fridge then open and enjoy!
When you microwave the lobster, do the shells get ‘soft’?
No, not at all – get those nut crackers, or cracking knife ready – you’re going to need them. But we’re also planning to ‘score’ the tail and claws, so you can ‘crack’ them open with your hands too … get your bib on!
What do you do with the shells after you’ve eaten the lobster?
While your first inclination is simply to place in your composter, you can also place them in your flower/vegetable gardens as shells as well. But for many Chef’s and cooks, they’ll actually boil them to create a broth or base for a chowder that they’ll freeze and have at the ready, when they need it.
Is Lobster good for you?
Lobsters are both great tasting and nutritious and are a high source Omega-3 fatty acid.
How big are the lobsters within the microwavable, frozen in the shell, lobsters from Lobster Made Easy?
Market size lobster at 1-1.5 pounds is about 6-8 years old, anything smaller landed by a fisherman is returned to the ocean. Lobsters are capable of living 100 years. The largest lobster ever recorded was caught in Nova Scotia in 1977 and weighed 44 pounds!Attached is copy for under FAQ's, merging 2 into one.
How old can a lobster grow to be?
Market size lobster at 1-1.5 pounds is about 6-8 years old. Lobsters are capable of living 100 years. The largest lobster ever recorded was caught in Nova Scotia in 1977 and weighed 44 pounds
Does the lobster shell just grow with the lobster as it gets bigger?
No, they don’t ‘stretch’ out in size like mammals do, instead lobsters molt (shed its shell) in order to grow. During its first year, a lobster can molt as many as 10 times!
Are lobsters ‘naturally’ red?
No! Lobsters aren’t naturally red. They turn red when they are cooked. Normally they are brown to olive green in color but have been known to be yellow or even blue!
The two claws on a lobster look different, why?
A lobster has two claws – a crusher claw and a pincer claw.
How do lobsters eat?
A lobster’s teeth are located in their stomach and they taste with their legs.
Did you know?
Lobsters were once considered poor man’s food and was served in prisons.
How many eggs does a female lobster carry?
A female commercial-sized lobster might carry 8,000 to 10,000 eggs, which are kept in place by a glue created in her glands. If you’re eating lobster and find bright red stuff, that’s unextruded eggs - also known as roe. When a fisherman traps a female lobster carrying eggs, he/she puts a V-notch in her tail. This tells other fishermen that she's a breeding female whether she has eggs or not and should be thrown back.